Artist and Writer
Wilson Head - 2015-10-22.jpg

Wilson Head Transcription

Wilson head

Wilson Head, 2015


Born / Cried Cried Cried Cried / Crawled Ran Spoke Played Smiled Laughed / Befriend fellow trash bird / School. Classes. divided home. two beds. Buses. interacting with others. two birthdays. change / Social misfit starting. At home outside. Inside is too hard. Run to woods. Comfort in trees. Swim in the Sound. Jealousy for stability and stamps. Art camps. / Life can be different. How to share your heart without betraying. Camping / Second Mother. Green pancakes on St. Patrick’s Day. Brother helping me find my bus. How babies are made. The woods. / Change. Ugly duckling. Sticker books. Fear of speaking. Mean girls. The woods. Mandatory camp week, bunk beds. The beach. Tether ball cliques. Piano lessons. Writing short stories. / Unwanted attention. Cannot go back. Picking raspberries by myself. Climbing my trees to read. Brother ignoring. Solace in a book. Four eyes. Division of friends. Misfit misfit misfit misfit. / Expanded my horizons. Dancing with Mary Jane. Talking to the crows. Hiding in the woods. Finding myself in someone else. Music to feed my soul. Having and Losing what mattered most. Rain rain rain. Cutting down my tree. Withdrawing. Self-preservation. Fear. / Trying trying trying to fit in. Failing. Trying trying trying to be cool. Hating. myself them you. Hating. landlocked caged bird unable to be confident in myself. Shutting down. Holing up inside. Self-destruction. Bleed it out. / Overcorrection. Right the Ship. Self-exile. Study for my escape. Isolate. Isolate. Isolate. Isolate. Isolate. Isolate. Isolate. Isolate. / read read read read work work work work write write write write read read read read work work work work write writewrite / work work work write write write write read read read read work work work work write write write write read read read read work work work / Chance meeting. Second chance. Diversify. Sketching in the basement. Ferries all day. Honest to a fault. Reconnect. Crashing into a pyre of flames with no one else to blame. / Buying surplus office supplies. Burying loved ones. Lost Lost Lost Lost. Study Write Isolate Study write read isolate study study study isolate. Twenty-one at last. Arm wrestling in Marcus’ Martini Bar under the light of the fishtank. Dancing. Smoking. Laughing. Santa Emma in the park. Pursuing. Choosing. / Thievery Corps. Pete’s Calazone. Dorms. Rose colored glasses. Rose. The unknown. Movie nights. Laughing. Falling in love with dirt. Solstice. Et tu, Brutus? New circles. New fears. Sushi. Being open to being loved. Columbia River. Laughing. Support. Selection of self. Suppression of self. / Choice. Locking the boxes in my head. Choice. Travel food movies. Walking in the parks. Letting go. Applying myself. Organizing myself. Settle in. Accept. Realize dreams. Forget dreams. Choice. Collect arrange distribute. Isolate. Unlocking boxes.