Artist and Writer

Switching Shadows

Switching shadows

Switching Shadows, 2017    19" x 25"


He climbs with excitement. Only a few more minutes until he reaches the top. The sun is setting over the cliffs. Will she still be there? A shape moves at the base of their tree, a black flickering against the golden light. He smiles and waves. The shape dissipates and reforms a few feet away. Her eyes are the same as last winter. He holds out his arms and she moves through him, smelling of cedar and dirt.   

Switching Shadows, detail

She waits with trepidation. Her fingers smooth her edges. Only a few more minutes until he arrives. The sun is low. Her time is ending. He waves and she is released from her chains. She floats freely, dancing her way to him. His eyes are circled with wrinkles now. She folds herself around him, absorbing his warmth.